Explore the Command Centre's Tiles
Our operational Tiles prioritize patient safety and the patient experience by integrating predetermined wait time thresholds using clinical best practices. Tiles send an alert to frontline care teams when a wait time threshold has been exceeded. These operational Tiles support experienced frontline staff to ensure every patient’s journey through our hospital is moving efficiently, from expediting test results to discharge, so that patients can go home healthier and faster.
Bed Summary Tile
The Bed Summary Tile provides an overview of what beds are available and where and which beds need to be cleaned before they can be occupied across all departments, which has eliminated hallways medicine at Humber River Health
Delays in Care Tile
The Delays in Care & Pathways Tile alerts frontline healthcare teams to when a patient’s care journey has been delayed and when there has been a deviation from a clinical pathway, enabling frontline care teams to intervene even earlier to keep patients on the road to recovery.
Image Modality Tiles
The Imaging Modality Tile tracks imaging diagnostics in real-time across MR, CT, US, NM, IR, and Image Guided Procedures (IGP) to monitor capacity, prioritize urgent cases or high-risk patients, and identify availabilities for inpatients requiring imaging scans or procedures.
Census Forecast Tile
The Census Forecast Tile predicts what each department’s capacity will be over a 24 – 48-hour timeline, which enables Humber River Health to allocate hospital resources and staff in order to meet demand.
Discharge Barriers Tile
The Discharge Barriers Tile matches patients who are about to be discharged with incoming inpatients who require a bed. This Tile collates a checklist for each patient’s status, relevant patient data for nurses, and prioritizes patients by level of urgency in order to proactively alert frontline staff to any potential obstacles so that every patient has a timely and seamless care experience.
Physician Task Tile
The Physician Task Tile tracks the capacity of each Humber River Health physician across the hospital to support operational flow. Managers allocate resources to ensure timely delivery of care.
Allied Health Tile
The Allied Health Prioritizer Tile provides an overview of the status of patient referrals for Physiotherapy and/or Social Work, and prioritizes patients awaiting discharge or on specific timelines.
Unit View Tile
The Unit View Tile allows frontline Command Centre staff to digitally “check in” on any unit in the hospital to monitor scheduled activities, capacity, patient discharges, and patient health risks for vulnerable patients such as kidney malfunction (high creatine levels) and blood clotting (abnormal INR). Through this Tile, frontline HRH staff can search for a particular patient by name to locate them in the hospital, and track the status of diagnostics and specialist care teams who support multiple units throughout the hospital.
Enabling Support Services Tile
The Enabling Support Services Tile provides an overview of environmental and cleaning services needed across the hospital, integrated with professional expertise to indicate turnaround times. This Tile also matches dirty, unoccupied beds with outstanding bed requests and prioritizes beds based on the level of patient urgency.
Boarders Tile
The Boarders Tile tracks all inpatients in the Emergency Department, direct admit, Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU), operating rooms, and birthing units who are waiting for a bed or to be moved to the next level of appropriate care, and alerts Humber River Health staff when a patient has not yet been moved to their assigned bed for more than 60 minutes.
Unit Under Pressure Tile
The Unit Under Pressure (UUP) Tile flags units that are under pressure based on staff resourcing, unit capacity, and code events occurring over the last 90 minutes to assess whether a unit is operating in a routine manner or if it requires additional support from operational flow managers.
Medical Tube Map Tile
The Medical Tube Map Tile shows a medicine clinical patient’s journey in real-time from when they are admitted to acute care at Humber River Health, to when they are stable and can be discharged to post-acute care facilities or a hospital closer to their home.
Length of Stay Tiles
The Length of Stay (LOS) Tile tracks how long an individual patient has been admitted at Humber River Health. Care teams can input LOS thresholds for each patient, so the tile sends an alert if a patient has exceeded their clinician-recommended length of stay and should be discharged.
Nursing Length of Stay Tile
The Length of Stay (LOS) Nursing Home Tile monitors the length of stay for patients admitted from a nursing home, and tracks LOS-related action items, such as being transferred to the next appropriate level of care or being discharged. Care teams can mark their patient with an amber (warning) or red (critical) flag that prioritizes patients based on that patient’s level of risk.
Emergency Department Inbound Tiles
The Emergency Department (ED) Inbound Tile features a live feed of the Emergency Department triage and hallways, with a list of all patients and their respective wait times. The Tile integrates best practices to predetermine wait time thresholds that, if exceeded, sends an alert to frontline staff to ensure that patients are moving through the hospital in a timely manner.
Surgical Tube Map Tiles
The Surgical Tube Map Tile shows a surgical patient’s journey in real-time from when they are scheduled for surgery to being discharged or transferred, in order to provide visibility into the status of all surgical patients at any given point in their treatment. The Tile alerts frontline staff to when capacity limits or barriers to care may slow down a patient’s journey through the hospital so that care teams can proactively ensure the timely delivery of care.
Local News Tile
The EMS and Local News Tile displays information that helps the Command Centre team identify the potential for increased demand on the hospital. The EMS Tile comes from the Toronto Paramedics and shows how many ambulances are coming and when and the Local News tile displays local 24-hours news that indicates when there may be an event, accident or other incident that could impact our hospital.
Risk of Harm Tile
Our Risk of Harm Tile proactively alerts frontline professionals to patients who are at a higher risk of adverse events, like falls or sepsis, combined with the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) best practice guidelines to create an even safer experience for high-risk patients.
Perinatal Tile
Our Perinatal Tile monitors our youngest patients – newborns – and their mothers to alert our experienced frontline professionals in the Obstetrical Unit of potential health risks to ensure that mommy and baby can get home to begin their journey together.
Clinical Deterioration Tile
The Early Warning of Deterioration Tile develops an early warning score, comprised of physiological metrics unique to each patient with clinical expertise and observations. The Tile tracks these early warning scores and alerts our frontline professionals in real-time when rapid, proactive intervention is required.
Seniors Care Tile
The Seniors Care Tile allows us to support our rapidly ageing community. Our Seniors Care Tile monitors our frailest elderly patients on mobility, dietary intake, frequency of ambulation, and medications causing risk to ensure they receive safe, timely care.
COVID-19 Tile
The COVID-19 Tile allows the Command Centre to track overall trends of testing and alert healthcare professionals to positive or suspected cases –providing an added layer of safety for both our patients and our frontline staff. This Tile can also be customized to apply to any future viral outbreaks, such as flu season.